Dolomiti di Brenta, presentation - Lago Park Hotel Ristorante Molveno

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Dolomiti di Brenta, presentation

Dolomiti di Brenta
The Brenta Dolomite Group is the most extensive and westernmost  dolomitic  formation in the Trentino region. It is famous for its spectacular needle forms: steep vertical pinnacles that raise their majestic forms into the sky. You will never tire of looking at these mountains: every different angle offers a new, fascinating view, a new story to be told, a new dream to come true.
The Brenta Dolomites extend from north to south for over 40 km from Tione to the Mostizzolo Bridge and covers an area of about 560 square km (one-twelfth of the whole Trentino Region). Over 500 km of trails run through it in all directions. The valleys that surround the Brenta Group are: the Giudicarie Valley in the south, the Rendena Valley in the West up to Campo Carlo Magno, the Meledrio Valley and the Sole Valley in the North, the Non Valley in the East and the Paganella tableland and Lake Molveno in the southeast. In the Brenta Group there are eight peaks over 3000 meters and most of the territory  is included in the Adamello.Brenta Nature Park. The main lakes are Molveno, Tovel, Valagola, Asbelz. Main rivers: the Sarca which collects the waters of all the rivers that descend from the west of the Brenta Group and the river Noce  which collects all the waters from the north-east of the Group.
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